You’re facing duplicate content SEO issues due to m=1 in the Blogger blog. And want to remove m=1 from the Blogger then this content is for you. Let’s understand how to remove the Blogger m=1 duplicate content issue and enhance the SEO of the blog.
Optimization of content for search engines is essential for a website to rank. But what if the same content is served via two different URLs? Yes, we’re talking about Blogger. Blogger CMS serves the same webpage through two URLs – a clean URL for desktop users and a query parameter URL for mobile users.
What is Blogger m=1 Issue?
The “m=1” query parameter that appears in your Blogger blog’s URL is related to your site’s mobile version. It is automatically added to the URLs of your blog when someone accesses the Blogger website via a mobile device.
The Blogger CMS serves canonical URLs to desktop and canonical URLs with m=1 to mobile users. This article will explain how to fix the Blogger m=1 issue for the Blogger blog.
- Desktop Version:
- Mobile Version:
But if you only want to remove m=1 from the end of the web page URL, this post is not for you, as we’re not here to spoil the on-page SEO website.
You can add some script and remove m=1, but search engines will punish your blog by decreasing its page rank.
We can provide you with such a script, but no, as we’re here to boost the blog’s Search Engine Optimization and not degrade it. Read this complete article before applying any script, etc. Use proper methods to do things.
Is it Possible to Remove m=1 from Blogger?
No, Removing the m=1 from the Blogger URLs is practically impossible, as we do not have access to the root of the Blogger. But removing/?m=1 from the Blogger blog posts is unnecessary.
You can hide m=1 from the URLs served on mobile devices by implementing javascript code to the theme file, but the javascript will only visually hide the m=1, not remove it. You can check that in the HTTP header response and the Google PageSpeed Insight tool. So, the javascript injection method will disturb the On-Page SEO. But don’t worry; we found a perfect way to do this.
The Blogger serves different URLs for mobile and desktop devices with and without m=1, respectively. It’s the same case of different URLs for the same post. In such a case, we can declare the desktop URL as canonical and m=1 as the relative URL, which will help Google prioritize the URL.
Duplicate, submitted URL not selected as canonical in Blogger
⛔ As discussed, this article is not for you if you want to remove m=1 from the Blogger blog URL. I’ll guide you on how to solve the issue with the help of Google Search Console.
You can solve the SEO problem of indexing URLs such as – Duplicate and submitted URLs not selected as canonical. This problem occurs because the server serves URLs with m=1 queries for mobile phone users. In 2009, Google released a tool to handle query parameters. This tool was active till 2022, and now Google is smart enough to handle query parameters like m=1.
How to solve Blogger m=1 issue
We can use the Google search console parameter tool to perform this action. The Google search engine recommends these settings under the crawling of parameterized duplicate content. And completely SEO and search engine friendly.
The Google Search Parameter is no longer available. It was removed after the latest search algorithm updates as Google can understand the parameter automatically. So, now you don’t have to worry about this m=1 thing; Google will take care of it.
Earlier, we had to manually report to Google that both with and without m=1 URLs are the same; treat that accordingly. You didn’t need to do anything; ignore this m=1 thing.
If you’re using Adsense Ads for monetization, you can read our guide on Blogger SEO and increase organic traffic and earnings by 150 to 200%. You can also use SEO-friendly Blogger themes.
Don’t add any JavaScript to remove m=1 from the Blogger blog URLs. But if you did, check the header response of the website for mobile. This means that you made things worse from the SEO point of view. Please keep the above things in mind while making such changes.
Additional Tips: What is more important for any blog is the theme. Google supports HTML5 themes. You can also try our SEO-Friendly Blogger blog themes.
Final Words
There is no need to remove the m=1 URL generated by Blogger. Now, Google is smart enough to understand and rank content accordingly. You’ve to focus on creating unique content to rank high in the search results.
In case of any doubt, query, or feedback, feel free to comment in the comment section provided below.
and the “? m = 0”?
can i put one with the “? m = 0”?
“NO” as m=0 is not visible anywhere and that is also canonical URL, we’re declaring url rel=alternative mean relation of article with original url i.e. alternative.
what if I use this code should I remove it or not
My blogger SEO coverage showing dupplita contant….some with m=1 and some with .html.
Google is asking to select user canonical.I dont know how to select or add canonical url.
Please guide
My blog is
Just implement above code, your problem will be resolve after google recrawl your webpage.
I have implement the above code but i have not found <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content in htl
That’s on Page SEO, now you’ve to work for off page SEO.
Hello sir, it was very nice article. I do blogging but it is not getting traffic even there are more than 180 post on that. I also used to check plagrism. I don’t know why this issue is. My website is . Please check what’s problem.
Are you getting traffic through your blog
non je fais mon trafic moi meme , et blogger ne donne aucune aide ou reference possible et nous blocK dans les resultats de recherche ,
Which code and where we need to add
Error is Dupplicate Url without user selected canonical
I have applied above code its done.
But link m=1 is not served it shows yoir search didnot match any documents
I have added code above first head manualy
Your m=1 will remove from Google index pages, it only display for mobile users, That means same content error resolve. I checked your blog, correctly implemented. So now work on your content and back-links
Very much thanks your article is such a great help.
Is there any article of you related back links
Please help me in removing m? 1 issue in my links.
technically it can’t be remove but we can improve SEO using above provided tag.
why when I open the mobile version for this site, there is no version
can you tell me the way?
bcz this website is on wordpress.
How to paste
thanks man you help my site<
This thing m=1 that shows on mobile theme is any serious issue. It is necessary to resolve or not.
This is not a serious issue.
Great work bro.
Beauty Tips.
Thanks for sharing informative blogger article and your method is working in my site thanks you
Welcome 🙂
Bro you said- Enter the value here; that will be m in our case. Do we have to fill only m or m=1??.
Only m
Can you check my website?? i dont think it is removed.
website –
Please read this complete article word by word. This will not remove m=1, instead it will boost SEO
How to do the same with the website added as domain property in search console.
Sir how to solve discovered – currently not indexed issue in search console?
Thank you this article is very helpful!
How to fix /?m=1 issue in PageSpeed Insights?
Thanks for your valuable information
i did it same as u describe but didn’t got any results. can you please make video on this article??
This article already mention that the m=1 will not remove. This will help Google to understand the actual structure of website. And the results in long run. Instant results can’t be possible in SEO.
Hey Ashok, thanks for this blog!
Actually, I was auditing my blogspot through LightHouse and saw that the redirects were still being made. I had implemented that JavaScript code that just visually removes ‘?m=1’ parameter. Just got to know through this article that it hurts SEO. So, will remove it.
About that, Changing URL Parameters, you must’ve URL-Prefix Property instead of Domain Property. I had Domain Property of my Blogspot, so just created URL-Prefix property of it, but it doesn’t show any parameters, should I add ‘m’ manually or wait for some time?
You can add the “m” value manually as guided in this article.
Blog mới như trang mình có cần thiết phải làm cách của bạn
Hay là xóa ?=1
Bạn cho mình xin ý kiến
Mình muốn bỏ www thì cần phải làm thế nào hử bạn
Follow all the steps provided in this article to improve the on-Page SEO.
And in Blogger blog you can’t remove www from the page URL.
Nice Article. Very helpful
Lütfen daha detaylı anlatırmısınız?
Thanks friend for the information, you solved me some recorded problems that I had on my website. My site fell out of positions because of the M parameter, and now it is gradually being resolved.
I can’t access that section.
Legacy reports and tools are not available for domain properties.
Yes. Me too. If you solve it, please be kind to reply to this to let me know. Thanks 🙂
Solution is already provided, please read the article.
Hi, I just figured it out myself. So thought to update you too.
What I did was, I had submitted my blog on the google search console as a domain.
We have to submit it as a URL.
So, I removed the property from Google search console and added it back by selecting the Add URL and not Add domain. Now I can access it.
Hello Ashok, That’s a brilliant piece of information. Thanks for it.
However, one thing stands in my way to solve my issue.
When I click on URL parameters in the GSC, it says, “Legacy tools and reports are not available for domain properties’.
What should I do?
Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks
It is because you added and verified your property as domain property. You’ve to add it as a URL prefix property.
Please remove the property and add it again with the appropriate method.
When ever I enter url parameters
Mine says I can’t access that section.
Legacy reports and tools are not available for domain properties.
I finally found an updated site where it taught me how to check my site right, thanks!
Thanks, it was really helful.
Where are you? I just want to give you a hug. 😇
this is mine problem sir in my website, Please help me
Nice article, it was really helpful.
Hello I want to remove the m=1, the search console tells me:
Old reports and tools are not available for domain properties.
How to do, thanks for your help
I added a code between the head section with the help of another platform. check if this work for me to resolve the m=1 issue
Hi Kumar
I use this code there is no problema
/* 0) {var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf(“?m=1″));window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri); }; var protocol = window.location.protocol.replace(/\:/g,”); if(protocol == ‘http’){ var url = window.location.href.replace(‘http’,’https’); window.location.replace(url);} /*]]>*/
The above code removes &m=1 that appears when accessing the page via mobile and redirects the link
Because if &m=1 is not removed,
The link conversion page will not work when visitors access it on different mobile platforms. This code also redirects visitors from “http” to “https”.
Tried to follow what you stated above but too bad currently Google deprecated the solution. The URL Parameters section has been temporarily terminated. You can go see for yourself. If you got time, kindly find a solution, different from what we read above cause thousands might need it.
The site I needed help with is:
Best regards.
I recently shifted from Blogger to WordPress.
My site is
But as my site was on blogger previously, still my visitors visit:
It shows an error.
And this shows an error on every single page with is indexed in Google with ?m=1
Can you please help me and lemme know what exactly can I do to resolve this issue please.
Your kind help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
“URL Parameters” has been deprecated, it’s not working anymore.
You’re amazing.
I am unable to remove ?m=1 only from a couple of pages that are already indexed on Google. Whenever I do a search for those keywords and click on them Google sends it to m=1 page. Though all other pages are without m=1 but can’t do it on a couple of pages I guess 3 pages there are.
Thanks bro
Error is Duplicate Url without user-selected canonical
good information it really helps in seo techniques.
I face same problem, but your article remove my all confusion thanks
Hi. In my Google search there is also the problem, but Google doesnt see, that both are the same. 😔 please help
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I face same problem with my Basketball related site:
but your article remove my all confusion thanks
Thank you. When I start this my blog is ranking higher on google. When I wanted to implement some java script, I don’t come across this your advice blog. Now my web site is serving some punish… Please how can i fixed it?
परंतु ?m= 1 के कारण दो तीन एरर आता है उस को कैसे फिक्स करे
You provide a good information thanks for this amazing content
The main problem is that Google Search Console does not automatically index pages with m=1. I have to submit them manually via URL inspection.
I also have a doubt, in fact a question, Given that the m=1 pages are intended for users who search on mobile, will they be ranked in the SERP for a user who searches from their computer?
Unfortunately, I am afraid that pages indexed as mobile will only be ranked in the mobile SERP results. My website is I would love to discuss this topic further with you, if you have time. Thanks!
You’re right, Google is using a smartphone agent to crawl bots. Automatically or manually, they rarely crawl due to redirection errors.