Blogger SEO

Optimized Robots.txt for Blogger to boost Blog SEO in 2024

Every search engine crawling bot first interacts with a website’s robots.txt file and its crawling rules. This means that the robots.txt file plays a pivotal role in the Blogger blog’s search engine optimization (SEO). This article will guide you on how to create a well-optimized custom robots.txt file for Blogger and how to understand the implications of blocked pages reported by Google Search Console.

What are the functions of the robots.txt file?

The robots.txt file tells the search engine which pages should and shouldn’t be crawled. This allows us to control the crawling of all web spiders. In the robots.txt file, we can control the crawling activity of each user-agent by allowing or disallowing them. We can also declare sitemaps of our website for search engines like Google, Bing, Yandex, etc. So that these search engines can easily find and index our content.

create custom robot.txt Blogger blog
Blogger robots.txt for best SEO

The function of robots meta tags is to control page level indexation i.e. page should be visible in search result or not.

Usually, we use the robots meta tags to index or noindex blog posts, pages, and other format web content throughout the web. And the robots.txt to control the search engine bots. You can allow the complete website to crawl, but it will exhaust the crawling budget of the website. To save the crawling budget of the website, you have to block the website’s search, archive, and label sections.

The robots meta tag is page level and used to decide whether a web page should be visible in SERP. Additionally, a file called robots.txt helps control how search engine bots should behave on the website. If we let the bots freely crawl through our entire website, it could use up a lot of resources. To manage this, we can use robots.txt to tell the bots not to crawl certain parts, like search, archive, and label sections. This way, we save resources and ensure the bots focus on the important stuff on our website.

Default Robots.txt file of the Blogger Blog.

To optimize the robots.txt file for a Blogger blog, we first need to understand the CMS structure and analyze the default robots.txt file. Default robots.txt file of Blogger-

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

  • The first line (User-Agent) of this file declares the bot type. Here it’s Google AdSense, which is disallowed to none(declared in 2nd line). That means the AdSense ads can appear throughout the website.
  • The following user agent is *, which means all the search engine bots are disallowed to /search pages. That means disallowing all search and label pages(same URL structure).
  • And allow tag to define that all pages other than the disallowing section can be crawled.
  • The following line contains a post sitemap for the Blogger blog.

This is an almost perfect file to control the search engine bots and provide instructions for pages to crawl or not crawl. But this file allows for indexing the archive pages, which can cause a duplicate content issue. That means it will create junk for the Blogger’s blog.

Optimizing Robots.txt File for a Blogger Blog

We understood how the default robots.txt file performs its function for the Blogger blog. Let’s optimize it for the best SEO.

The default robots.txt allows the archive to index, which causes the duplicate content issue. We can prevent this issue by stopping the bots from crawling the archive section. For this, /search* will disable crawling of all search and label pages.

Applying a Disallow rule /20* into the robots.txt file will stop the crawling of archive sections. The /20* rule will block the crawling of all posts, so to avoid this, we have to apply a new Allow rule for the /*.html section that allows the bots to crawl posts and pages.

The default sitemap includes posts, not pages. So you have to add a sitemap for pages located under or for the custom domain. You can submit Blogger sitemaps to Google Search Console for good results.

So, the new perfect custom robots.txt file for the Blogger blog will look like this.

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *  # to select all crawling bots and search engines
Disallow: /search* # to block all user generated query item within the website.
Disallow: /20*  # this line will disallow archieve section of Blogger.
Disallow: /feeds*  # this line will disallow feeds. Read instruction below
Allow: /*.html  # allow all post and pages of the blog

#sitemap of the blog
  • /search* will disable crawling of all search and label pages.
  • Apply a Disallow rule /20* into the robots.txt file to stop the crawling of archive sections.
  • Disallow: /feeds* this rule will disallow crawlers to crawl the feed section. But if you are not generated new Blogger XML sitemap then do not use this line.
  • The /20* rule will block the crawling of all posts, So to avoid this, we’ve to apply a new Allow rule for the /*.html section that allows the bots to crawl posts and pages.
You’ve to replace with your Blogger domain or custom domain name. For example, suppose your custom domain name is; then the sitemap will be at In addition, you can check the current robots.txt at

In the above file, the setting is the best robots.txt practice for SEO. This will save the website’s crawling budget and help the Blogger blog to appear in the search results. You have to write SEO-friendly content to appear in the search results.

Effects in Search Engine Console after implementing these rules in robots.txt

It’s important to note that Google Search Console may report that some pages are blocked by your robots.txt file. However, it’s crucial to check which pages are blocked. Are they content pages or search or archive pages? We can’t display search and archive pages, which is why these pages are blocked.

But if you want to allow bots to crawl the complete website, then you have to configure robots meta tag and robots.txt file in such a way that.

  • Robots.txt file allows crawlers to crawl the whole website.
  • Robots Meta tag disallows non-important pages to noindex.

The amalgamation of Blogger robots.txt and robots meta tags may exhaust the crawling budget, but the better alternative is to boost the SEO of the Blogger blog.

How do you implement this Robots.txt File to Blogger?

The Robots.txt file is located at the root level of the website. There is no access to the root in Blogger, so how do you edit this robots.txt file? You can access root files like robots.txt under the settings section of Blogger.

How to Edit Blogger robots.txt file
Provide custom robots.txt
  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard and click on the settings option,
  2. Scroll down to the crawlers and indexing section,
  3. Enable custom robots.txt by the switch button.
  4. Click on custom robots.txt; a window will open. Paste the robots.txt file and update.

After updating the custom robots.txt file for the Blogger blog, you can check the changes by visiting your domain like, where should be replaced with your domain address.


We’ve explored the function of the robots.txt file and created an optimal custom robots.txt file for the Blogger blog. In the default robots.txt file, the archive section is also allowed to crawl, which causes duplicate content issues for the search engine. This confusion can lead to Google not considering any Page for the search results.

Remember, Google Search Console may report blocked pages, but it’s crucial to understand which pages are blocked and why. This understanding will help you optimize your site for better SEO results.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any doubts or questions regarding Blogger or WordPress SEO, feel free to comment below.

Ashok Sihmar

Ashok Kumar working in the Search Engine Optimization field since 2015. And worked on many successful projects since then. He shares the real-life experience of best SEO practices with his followers on You also can learn Advance level SEO for WordPress, Blogger, or any other blogging platform. Stay tuned.


  1. Thank you for this awaesome posts or blog i have added this in my 3 blogs.
    1. OpenWorld TechInfos
    2. Gurutechnical90


    3. TechPro MaxInfo

    Once again thank you very very much.
    I came here through YouTube your video was showing at the top how did you make that can you make the blog of it please.

  2. Is it possible to block links indexed with (/? M = 1), because my site that is indexed by the search engine is the mobile (/?m=1)

    1. That will not be good for the SEO of the Blogger Blog. You must configure your blog in Google Search Console. Read this article for the best practice. Solve Blogger m=1 issue/

  3. i have submit custom robots.txt file according to you but yet
    there is an error and ranking of site is going down continuously
    if you have any solution then please provide

  4. Thanks, bro. It was a very helpful blog especially for new bloggers I appreciate your hard work well-done Bro.

    You have made this tutorial very easy to understand for your readers as a blogger I impressed from your writing skills and from your sound knowledge keep going and best of luck for your future posts

  5. User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search
    Allow: /


    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search
    Allow: /


    Which one is best for fast indexing and seo friendly robots.txt please explain?

    1. sitemap.xml is proper sitemap addition method.. you don’t need to update it after, say 500 posts or 1000 post . It contain all post sitemap in it.. you can add page sitemap too..

      Where atom feed a kind of rss feed. That’s not a proper sitemap method.

        1. 2nd one is wrong method.. ok if you think 2nd method is perfect method, then how you can add pages sitemap with that?

          1. No I don’t know properly that’s iam asking you second one is generated through famous sitemap generator tool called as finally thankyou so much for replying

          2. The method discussed in this article is right one, other one is wrong method brother. You can try submitting both kind of sitemap to Google search console..
            You’ll see you’ve to add only 2 sitemaps- one for all pages, and one for all posts(no matter how many pages or posts you’ve).

            And for atom feed(labnol) you’ve to add sitemap for every 500 posts, if you’ve 3000 blog posts then you’ve to submit 6 sitemaps, and there is no any sitemap for pages..

      1. Currently I am using below mentioned sitemap. When i change it on robots.txt file then should I update it on google search console also?

      2. Sir, My name is Ravi and I start a Hindi news website with my friends. I want Google Adsense approval. So, suggest us the SCO required for my website and what we need to improve in website. Also, Suggest us best SCO friendly Blogger Template for Hindi news website.

  6. Thank You So Much For This Valuable Information.
    I haven’t seen this kind of knowledge regarding SEO.
    You are genius sir.
    Thank a lot again.

  7. I am facing one more issue in blogger.
    My search description is not visible in Search Results.
    It’s showing random text..
    Please let me know how to make it perfect.

  8. thanks for explaining but question Why didn’t you activate the feature enable custom robots header tags

    1. Follow this article to get the detailed answer.

    1. We already explain this in the article. It will block all the archive sections for the crawling bots to address the thin content issues. We can also perform this action by using noindex such content. But for that, read the meta tag and robots.txt combination (link provided in the last paragraph of this article).

  9. Hi Ashok Hw r u ? First of all I would like to appreciate you that you are guiding the bloggers in regards of best technical seo settings. But I am facing problem during use of the above given custom robots.txt file , when we use this format then it does not fetch all blog blog pages or posts in bing or in other search console. For example if we have 100 posts in blog then in bing it only fetching 2 or 3 posts by using sitemap.xml but if we use atom.xml then it fetch more but for that we have to change your custom robots.txt format. Give us a best solution ?

    One more thing if we add above custom robots.txt setting in blogger settings then is it mandatory to use this setting in just below of the theme html section ? As many bloggers are using paid blogger templates & they have no idea if their template providers have already installed such codes or not ? As all are not technically sound in coding and all , therefore your website viewer will trust on your call . Please guide to all in best way what they should do , so that they could get benefit from your given seo settings . Also guide viewers about ” Home page tags” Archives & search page tags” Post & Pages tags” settings if anyone use above given code of Custom robots.txt settings . is mandatory to use both codes ?

  10. could you please reply on my last query ? Since we updated given custom robots.txt file into our blog , it is not fetching our all blog pages into google search console or other search console. What is the solution of this ?

    1. There are two solutions.
      first is blocking search engines access to all thin content and allowing indexing of Pages and posts. (This post explain that)
      2nd is allowing access of search engine to all thin content but noindex them in robots meta tag, allowing only indexing of Pages and Posts. (Combination of robots meta tag and robots.txt for blogger, find the link in the last paragraph.
      You can follow any of these two. Thanks

  11. Thanks You very much sir. You are great. i read many article so i comment here..
    1. thanks for understanding schama [i appllied in blogspot] – webmaster tool enhance yahoooooo
    2. thanks for m=1 for understanding [in the blogger market lots of faked post about it] but u understand clear about it.
    3. thanks for custome robots.txt

    Regars iliyas shaikh

  12. hello blogger expert i need help my this blogspot issue in sitemap i am submit my sitemap but showing two types of error 1. urlset Missing XML tag

    how to fixing this issue please tell us

  13. Hi Ashok,

    Recently I have disabled made my custom robots.txt and custom robots header tags and since then my website ranking is falling like anything. Earlier my website used to get 1000+ daily views which got decreased to 100+. I don’t know what went wrong all of the sudden. Can you please let me know if I really need a custom robot and custom robots header tag? If yes, can you please help me to get the perfect robots.txt and header tag settings for my website. Following are the details:

    – website:
    – hosted on: Blogger
    – Current (default) robots.txt:
    User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search
    Allow: /

    – Earlier custom robots.txt:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search/
    Disallow: /tags/
    Disallow: /category/
    Disallow: /search/label/
    Allow: /
    – current “enable customer header tags”: disabled (default)
    – earlier “enable customer header tags”:
    homepage tags: all, nodp
    archive and search index tags: noindex, nodp
    post and page tags: all, nodp

    Thanks in advance!

    1. with custom robots.txt file you were blocking the page section to crawl.
      Disallow : /p/ means directories under /p/ will be blocked, that is not a right practice

  14. Please bro help me finally.

    Step A :/CUTOM ROBOT.TXT//////////

    1. User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search
    Allow: /

    2. User-agent: *
    Allow: /

    STep B :Custom robot header txt :////////

    What is the perfect settings for custom robot header tags for avouding all type of issues and errors related or caused by robot.txt/sitemap/ and others…..
    • Home page
    • Archieve and search pages
    • Default post and pages

    1. Hello Md Jakir, you can try to avoid all types of errors.

  15. I think you are not only blocking the archives with this settings, you are also blocking the mobile versions (?m=1):

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search*
    Disallow: /20*
    Allow: /*.html

    You should use something like this instead (see the last line):

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search*
    Disallow: /20*
    Allow: /*.html*

    1. The current robots.txt is working fine and not blocking ?m=1. Please check with robots.txt Google Testing Tool.

  16. can I use the code you have mention in you article robots and robots meta with this configuration

  17. Thank you for this! I’ve been having issues with my blog not being indexed nor crawled. And search results dont show.
    This was the text I got and pasted on the custom robots txt:

    # Blogger Sitemap created on Wed, 29 Jun 2022 12:38:38 GMT
    # Sitemap built with
    User-agent: *
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search
    Disallow: /category/
    Disallow: /tag/
    Allow: /

    I’m changing that today and copying the code here. thanks so much!

  18. In most blogger themes, we customize menu items using labels and the generated URLs like the one below:

    The URL structure in the above example is as follows: search > label > tech > articles

    When you block or disallow the /search in robots.txt, both the label, menu items, and subsequent articles are immediately blocked from indexing.

    Optimizing your site’s labels for crawlers is good SEO practice as it allows the search engines understand your content. Unfortunately, when /search is disabled, you cannot index the labels (and the content below the labels?).

    What are your thoughts on this? Is there anything I’m missing here?

  19. sir I’m new to blogger i have done everything that i knew.
    i have uploaded my first 5 posts and none of them are indexed.
    there came a pop up with 2 problems
    1-Discovered – currently not indexed
    2- Alternate page with proper canonical tag
    Sir it’s my humble request to please help me with something that can solve my problem

    1. 1. Please create more unique content.
      2. This problem is with Blogger, as there is different URLs for mobile and desktop

  20. Hello
    I have a stupid question
    is changing from robots.txt to another and update it will not cause any problem to my Blogg !
    Also if I change robots.txt in my blogger is there other changes I need to add in google search console

    this is my website please support me :

  21. Visit this website for best and latest mobiles tips & tricks

    Page is blocked from indexing
    Search engines are unable to include your pages in search results if they don’t have permission to crawl them. Learn more about crawler directives.
    Blocking Directive Source

  23. Very helpful. I looked for this answer for many years but i guess your work is set in the search engine just like you have thought. I have applied it and it does even make my page load very fast. Thanks you’re genius

  24. Hello!!!

    Thank you for the post! I’ve found it very helpful.
    The issue I have is that the sitemap generated it have the urls with “http” like “” but I did the redirection to “https”.
    Then Google Search Console it says that any page of the sitemap is indexed as it does not find them.
    I have configured HTTPS availability on blogger but not the https redirection as I’m using cloudflare DNS.
    Any idea how can I fix this? It will be much appreciated!


  25. hello sir
    I have some indexing issues and and I would like to know if this configuration works well :
    User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

    #below lines control all search engines, and blocks all search, archieve and allow all blog posts and pages.

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search*
    Disallow: /20*
    Allow: /*.html

    #sitemap of the blog

    on blogger settings
    Enable custom header tags for robots
    is it correct this configuration?
    Home page tag = all, noodp
    Search and archive pages tag= noindex, noodp
    Post and pages tag= all, noodp

    I also enabled the redirect domain – to –

    best regard

  26. dear bro.

    2k posts in my blogger site, so i write my robot txt like as below. my ques. is it ok or wrong?
    User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search
    Allow: /



  27. Sir, I have a blog on blogspot since February 2008 and also having adsense approval named but problem is that even unique articles, they are not ranked in Google search results. Please suggest any free unique blogger template and also amp template.Thanks

  28. Hello,
    I need this site for guest posting. I can pay you $10 for each post. I will send you an article soon.


  29. Thank you for your tips but won’t Disallow: /20* section will also disallow post pages indexed?

    Because post links also start with date on Blogger. For example:

  30. And why we keep these lines?
    User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

    Google says removing these lines from robots.txt:

  31. Thank you so much, you save me. I was searching for best robot text file over two days. Now i have find it here. This is the best article on the internet. I have enable it on my blog, thanks again. lot of blesses

  32. Thank you so much, you save me. I was searching for best robot text file over two days. Now i have find it here. This is the best article on the internet. I have enable it on my blog, thanks again. lot of blesses

    1. This is my website

      If anybody open it on mobile that time

      Its open url by above links also added (?m=1) I want to fix this issue as soon as possible.

      I want to disallow its url by robots.txt

      Please give me suggetions?

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