
How to get Adsense Approval for your Website in 2024

Blogging is not just a medium to share information; it’s a dynamic platform that allows individuals to connect, inform, and influence a broad audience. Moreover, it offers lucrative opportunities to earn through various monetization strategies, with Google AdSense being one of the most prominent.

However, the journey to AdSense approval often seems troublesome to many, with numerous users grappling with rejections. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to demystify the process of obtaining AdSense approval, enabling you to monetize your website effectively and efficiently navigate the AdSense ecosystem’s intricacies.

Why Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is more than just a platform for displaying ads; it’s a system that bridges advertisers and publishers. Advertisers always search for the right audience to showcase their products or services. Google AdSense uses its advanced algorithms to match these advertisers with publishers with a similar target audience. This ensures that the ads displayed on your website or blog are relevant to your content and, more importantly, your readers. This relevance increases the likelihood of ad clicks, generating revenue for both Google and you, the publisher.

A Win-Win for Everyone

The beauty of Google AdSense lies in its win-win model. For advertisers, it offers a platform to reach a targeted audience without the hassle of negotiating with multiple publishers. It allows publishers to monetize their content without directly engaging with advertisers. Google system takes care of all the heavy lifting, from ad placement to revenue collection, allowing you to focus on what you do best—creating quality content. Moreover, Google shares a significant portion of the ad revenue with publishers, making it a lucrative option for those looking to make money online. With Google’s credibility and transparent payment system, AdSense stands out as a reliable and efficient way to monetize your digital presence.


By understanding the value that Google AdSense brings to the table, you can better appreciate why it’s a popular choice for website monetization. Whether blogging is your hobby or professional, Google AdSense offers a scalable and trustworthy avenue for turning your digital content into a revenue stream.

High-Quality Content:

High-quality content is not just about stringing together well-crafted sentences; it’s about providing value that stems from expertise and experience. When you write with authority on a subject, it shines through and elevates the quality of your content. 

For instance, if you’re a seasoned traveler writing about various travel destinations, your firsthand experiences add a layer of authenticity that can’t be replicated by someone who hasn’t been there.


Your insights, tips, and even the challenges you faced become invaluable information for your readers. This level of expertise not only enhances the credibility of your content but also makes it more engaging and relatable.

Google’s primary objective is to furnish users with valuable and pertinent information, making high-quality content pivotal in meeting user expectations and securing AdSense approval.

Characteristics of High-Quality Content:

  1. Originality: Content must be unique and plagiarism-free, reflecting authentic thoughts, ideas, and insights.
  2. Relevance: It should align with the interests and needs of the target audience, addressing their queries and concerns effectively.
  3. Depth & Detail: Comprehensive and in-depth content that covers various facets of a topic is more likely to be high-quality.
  4. Clarity & Conciseness: Clear, concise, and well-articulated content enhances readability and user engagement.
  5. Cite Reliable Sources: Back up your claims or data with citations from reputable sources. This adds a layer of trust and shows that you’ve done your homework.
  6. Use Case Studies or Personal Experiences: Real-world examples and personal anecdotes can make your content more relatable and convincing.
  7. Provide In-Depth Analysis: Don’t just skim the surface. Dive deep into the topic to provide a comprehensive understanding.
  8. Offer Unique Perspectives: Your unique viewpoint can differentiate your content from the sea of online information.
  9. Update content Regularly: Keeping your content updated shows that you’re active in your field and are committed to providing current information.
  • Strategies for Creating High-Quality Content:
    • Research Thoroughly: Delve deep into the subject matter, exploring various sources to gather insights and information.
    • Understand Your Audience: Tailor your content to meet your target audience’s preferences, needs, and challenges.
    • Use Visual Elements: Incorporate relevant images, infographics, and videos to enrich content and facilitate better understanding.
    • Edit & Proofread: Rigorous editing and proofreading are essential to eliminate errors and refine content quality.

A Good Number of Posts – Increase Chances of Adsense Approval

While the quality of your content is paramount, the quantity also plays a significant role in your AdSense approval. Google recommends having a substantial number of posts—preferably at least 20—before you apply. These posts should not be filler content but must be of high-quality standards. Each post should be comprehensive, with a minimum word count of around 900 to 1500. The idea is to show Google that your website is a valuable resource that will enrich the user experience. Interlinking these posts can also add value, as it encourages visitors to explore more of your content, thereby increasing page views and session times.


By focusing on both the quality and quantity of your content, you’re setting a solid signal for AdSense approval. This dual focus not only increases your chances of getting approved but also enhances your website’s overall user experience, making it a win-win situation.

Website Design and User Experience

Optimizing your website’s design and user experience is crucial in your Google AdSense approval journey. A well-crafted, user-centric design boosts visitor engagement and aligns with Google’s AdSense criteria. As you gear up to apply for AdSense, it’s worth revisiting and fine-tuning these aspects of your website. 

The Aesthetics and Functionality Balance

Website design is not just about making your site look pretty; it’s about creating an environment where both aesthetics and functionality coexist. A well-designed website can significantly impact visitors’ perception of your brand and their decision to stay, explore, or leave. 

You should carefully select design elements like color schemes, typography, and layout to evoke emotions and messages. But it’s not just about the visual appeal; the design should facilitate easy navigation and quick loading times. For instance, a minimalist design with a clean layout and intuitive menus can enhance the user experience and make it easier for Google’s algorithms to crawl your site, which is a plus when you’re aiming for AdSense approval.

User-Centric Design for Better Engagement

The user experience (UX) is another critical factor that goes hand-in-hand with your website’s design. A good UX design focuses on the end user’s overall experience, from when they land on your website until they exit. This involves various factors, such as how quickly the pages load, how easy it is to find information, and how straightforward the navigation is. Features like a search bar, breadcrumb navigation, and a well-structured sitemap can make a world of difference in how users interact with your site. Moreover, a positive user experience can lead to higher engagement rates, more page views, and, ultimately, higher ad revenue. Therefore, optimizing your website’s design and user experience is for aesthetic purposes and a strategic move for AdSense approval.

By giving due attention to your website’s design and user experience, you’re enhancing its visual appeal, functionality, and usability. This holistic approach will make your site more engaging for visitors and more compliant with Google AdSense requirements.

Clear Website Navigation

Easy and intuitive website navigation is a critical factor that often gets overlooked but plays a significant role in user experience and Google AdSense approval. A well-structured navigation system allows users to find the information they’re looking for effortlessly, increasing their engagement and time spent on your website. Google values websites that offer a good user experience, and a straightforward navigation system is a key component of that. Your website should have a main menu that links to all essential pages and categories, and secondary menus or sidebars can be used for sub-categories or less critical pages.

Sub-points for Structured Navigation

  • Main Menu: Should include links to all primary sections of the website like Home, About Us, Blog, Contact Us, etc.
  • Sub-menus or Dropdowns: Useful for categorizing similar topics or posts under a single menu item.
  • Breadcrumb Navigation: Helps users understand their location within the website.
  • Footer Navigation: This can include links to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and other legal or secondary pages.
  • Search Bar: Allows users to find the content they are interested in quickly.

Importance in AdSense Approval

Regarding Google AdSense approval, clear navigation is not just a recommendation but often a requirement. Google’s AdSense team checks for easy navigability when reviewing your website. A confusing or complicated navigation structure can lead to a poor user experience, which can be a red flag for AdSense approval. Therefore, before applying, review your website’s navigation to ensure it’s as intuitive and user-friendly as possible.

  • Ease of Use: The navigation should be simple enough for even non-tech-savvy users.
  • Quick Load Time: Menus and sub-menus should load quickly to provide good UX.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Navigation should be easily accessible and usable on mobile devices.
  • Interlinking: Relevant content should be interlinked to provide a cohesive user experience.

Paying close attention to your website’s navigation enhances the user experience and ticking off a crucial box in the Google AdSense approval checklist. A well-thought-out, clear navigation structure can set the stage for a successful AdSense application and a more engaging website.

Using copyrighted material without permission can land you in legal hot water and is a surefire way to get your AdSense application rejected. Google has a stringent policy against websites that violate copyright laws, as it aims to promote original and authentic content. Copyright infringement tarnishes your website’s reputation and can lead to legal consequences, including fines and penalties. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that all the content on your website—be it text, images, or videos—is either created by you or is free from copyright restrictions.

  • Create Your Own Content: The best way to avoid copyright issues is to create original content.
  • Use Licensed or Free Resources: If you can’t create your own images or videos, use licensed or free commercially available resources.
  • Attribute Properly: If you’re using content that requires attribution, make sure to follow the guidelines provided.
  • Check for Fair Use: Some content can be used under the “Fair Use” policy, but this is a complex legal area that should be approached with caution.
  • Use Reverse Image Search: Before using any image, you can do a reverse image search to check if it’s copyrighted.

Create Geniune Content.

Regarding AdSense approval, Google places a high value on originality. Websites that contain plagiarized or copyrighted material are likely to be rejected outright. Google aims to provide its users with valuable and unique content, and approving sites that violate copyright laws goes against this objective. Therefore, maintaining originality is not just a legal requirement but also a critical factor in gaining and maintaining AdSense approval.

By ensuring that your website is free of copyrighted material, you’re not only staying on the right side of the law but also significantly improving your chances of getting AdSense approval. Original, authentic content is a cornerstone of a reputable and profitable website.

Some Pages are important and should be there.

When preparing your website for Google AdSense approval, you can’t overlook the importance of creating key pages like “About Us,” “Contact Us,” and “Privacy Policy.” These pages may seem trivial, but they serve a significant purpose. They establish the legitimacy and credibility of your website, which is something the AdSense team looks for during the approval process.

  • About Us: This page should provide a comprehensive overview of who you are, your website, and what visitors can expect to find. It’s your chance to introduce yourself and your expertise, adding a personal touch to your website.
  • Contact Us: A “Contact Us” page is essential for transparency and trust. It should include various ways to reach you via email, phone, or social media. This page assures visitors (and Google) that there’s a real person behind the website, open to communication and feedback.
  • Privacy Policy: This page is not just a good practice; it’s often a legal requirement. A “Privacy Policy” outlines how you collect and handle user data, which is crucial information for your visitors and a need for AdSense approval.

The Role in AdSense Approval

The absence of these essential pages can be a red flag for the AdSense team. Google wants to ensure they’re partnering with reputable websites offering valuable, trustworthy content. These key pages indicate your website’s professionalism and commitment to transparency, which can significantly influence your AdSense application’s outcome.

  • Terms and Conditions: While not always mandatory, a “Terms and Conditions” page outlines the rules, terms, and guidelines for using your website. It adds an extra layer of legitimacy to your site.
  • Disclaimer: If your website offers advice on topics like health, finance, or legal matters, a disclaimer page is crucial. It clarifies that the information provided is for general informational purposes and not professional advice.

By dedicating time to creating these critical pages, you’re enhancing your website’s credibility and ticking off essential criteria for Google AdSense approval. These pages may seem like a small detail, but they can significantly affect how your audience and Google perceive your website.

Check Website Niche and Other Factors

The Significance of Website Niche in AdSense Approval

Choosing the right niche for your website is a critical factor that can significantly influence your AdSense approval. Google is particularly cautious about the type of content it associates with, and certain niches may be considered high-risk or inappropriate for advertising. For example, the AdSense team will likely reject websites that focus on controversial topics, adult content, or illegal activities. Therefore, it’s crucial to select a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise and complies with Google’s Publisher Policies.

Points to Consider for Website Niche

  • Market Demand: Choose a niche with a good market demand to attract a wider audience and match your expertise.
  • Content Quality: Ensure that the niche you select allows you to produce high-quality, valuable content.
  • Ad Relevance: Consider how relevant ads would be to your audience, as this can affect your earnings.
  • Compliance: Ensure your niche complies with Google’s Publisher Policies and does not involve prohibited content.

Managing Multiple Niches and URL Structure

If you run a website that covers multiple niches, it’s essential to have a well-organized URL structure. This not only helps in better site navigation but also enhances your chances of getting AdSense approval. A clean and descriptive URL structure can help Google’s algorithms understand the content of each page, making it easier to match relevant ads. Suppose, for example, your website covers both technology and health, then you must have a URL structure that looks like this:

  • and

Points to Consider for Multiple Niches and URL Structure

  • Logical Segmentation: Divide your website into logical segments based on the niches you cover.
  • Descriptive URLs: Use descriptive and straightforward URLs for each segment to enhance SEO and user experience.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent URL structure across the website for ease of navigation and better crawlability by search engines.
  • Ad Placement: A well-structured URL can also help in better ad placement, making the ads more relevant to the specific content.

Additional Factors for AdSense Approval

Beyond the niche and URL structure, Google considers other factors during the AdSense approval process. One such factor is the age of your domain. In some countries, Google requires your website to be at least six months old to be eligible for AdSense. This ensures that the website has enough content and complies with Google’s quality guidelines. Additionally, your website’s traffic sources and geographic location of the audience can also play a role in the approval process.

Points to Consider for Other Factors

  • Domain Age: Check if your website meets the minimum age requirement for your country.
  • Traffic Sources: Organic traffic is generally more favorable than paid traffic for AdSense approval.
  • Geographic Location: The location of your audience can affect ad relevance and, consequently, your earnings.
  • User Engagement: Metrics like bounce rate and average session duration can indirectly influence your AdSense approval chances.

By carefully selecting your website’s niche, optimizing your URL structure, especially for multi-niche sites, and paying attention to other influencing factors, you’re setting a strong foundation for AdSense approval. These elements affect not only your eligibility but also your potential success and profitability once approved. Therefore, it’s worth investing the time to get these factors right from the get-go.

Applying for Google AdSense

The Step-by-Step Application Process

Applying for Google AdSense is a straightforward yet crucial process that requires attention to detail. Once you’ve ensured that your website meets all the prerequisites—such as high-quality content, clear navigation, and compliance with Google’s policies—it’s time to submit your application. The application process involves several steps, from signing up for an AdSense account to adding the AdSense code to your website for verification. While the steps themselves are simple, each one is vital for the approval process. Missing out on or incorrectly completing a single step could lead to delays or even rejection.

Steps for Applying for Google AdSense

  1. Sign Up: Visit the Google AdSense website and click on “Sign Up.” You’ll need a Google account for this.
  2. Provide Website Details: Enter the URL of the website where you want to display ads.
  3. Enter Contact Information: Provide your contact details, including your name and address. Make sure this information is accurate.
  4. Review Policies: Carefully read and agree to the AdSense terms and conditions.
  5. Add AdSense Code: You’ll receive an AdSense code after agreeing to the terms. Add this code to the HTML of your website.
  6. Wait for Verification: Google will review your website, which can take a few hours to a few weeks.
  7. Set Up Payment Information: Once approved, you’ll need to set up your payment information to start receiving earnings.
  8. Place Ads: Finally, you can start placing ads on your website through the AdSense dashboard.

The importance of Following the Procedure Accurately

It’s crucial to follow each step of the application process meticulously. Google has a stringent review process, and any discrepancies in your application can lead to rejection. For instance, the contact information you provide must match the details associated with your website’s domain. Similarly, the AdSense code must be correctly added to your website for Google to verify and approve your application.

Points to Consider for a Successful Application

  • Accuracy: Ensure all the information provided is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Compliance: Double-check that your website complies with all of Google’s AdSense policies before applying.
  • Verification: Make sure to place the AdSense code for successful verification correctly.
  • Patience: The approval process takes time, so be patient and avoid resubmitting your application multiple times.

By understanding and carefully following the Google AdSense application procedure, you’re setting yourself up for a smoother approval process. Each step is designed to ensure that you and your website meet Google’s standards for quality and compliance, paving the way for a successful and profitable AdSense experience.

What If My Application Is Rejected?

Common Reasons for Rejection

Having your Google AdSense application rejected can be disheartening, but it’s not the end of the road. Understanding the reasons for rejection is the first step toward a successful reapplication. Google usually provides specific reasons for rejection, like duplicate content, copyright material, fake content, navigational issues, etc.


Common Reasons for Rejection According to Google Support

  • Duplicate Accounts: Google AdSense policies only allow one account per publisher. If you have multiple accounts, you’ve to close the duplicate before reapplying.
  • Site Content Issues: Your site must comply with AdSense Program policies. Google may review all site pages, not just the URL where you placed the code.
  • Insufficient Content: Sites with too little text or deemed “under construction” are often rejected.
  • Content Quality Issues: Your site needs to offer original, rich content that adds value to users.
  • Content Policy Violations: Non-compliance with AdSense policies, like using copyrighted material, can lead to rejection.
  • Site Navigation Issues: A site that is difficult to navigate can be a red flag for Google.
  • Issues with Traffic Sources: Google ads may not be placed on pages receiving traffic from certain sources like paid-to-click programs.
  • Unsupported Language: If your website content is in a language that Google Adsense doesn’t support, your application may be rejected.

Steps to Take for Reapplication

If your application is rejected, you can always make the necessary changes and reapply. However, it’s crucial to address the issues that led to your application being rejected in the first place. Google Support suggests several steps to resolve these issues.

Steps for Reapplication According to Google Support

  1. Review Rejection Email: Understand the reasons for rejection by reading the email from Google.
  2. Resolve Duplicate Account Issues: If you have a duplicate account, close it before reapplying.
  3. Address Content Issues: Make sure your site complies with AdSense Program policies and adjust your content accordingly.
  4. Improve Content Quality: Add original, rich content that provides value to users.
  5. Fix Navigation Issues: Ensure your site offers a good user experience with clear navigation and organization.
  6. Check Traffic Sources: Make sure your site complies with Google’s guidelines on traffic sources.
  7. Translate Unsupported Language: If your site’s primary language is not supported, consider translating it into a supported language.
  8. Reapply: Once all issues are addressed, reapply for AdSense and wait for the review process.

By understanding the common reasons for rejection as outlined by Google Support and taking proactive steps for reapplication, you increase your chances of getting approved the next time around. Rejection is often just a temporary setback and can serve as a learning experience to improve your website and align it more closely with Google’s AdSense requirements.

Conclusion: Final Words

Navigating the Path to Google AdSense Approval

The journey to securing Google AdSense approval can be intricate sometimes but still manageable. From selecting an appropriate niche and ensuring high-quality content to understanding the intricacies of the application process, each step is a building block toward your ultimate goal. While rejection can be discouraging, it’s not a dead-end. Instead, it serves as a constructive feedback loop, pointing out the areas that require your attention.

AdSense Approval Message

Final Takeaways

  • Preparation is Crucial: Before applying for AdSense, make sure your website is in the best possible shape. This includes content quality, website design, and essential pages like “About Us” and “Privacy Policy.”
  • Understand the Rules: Google has set guidelines for AdSense approval. Understanding and adhering to these can significantly increase your chances of getting approved.
  • Learn from Rejection: If your application got rejected, take it as an opportunity to improve. Google provides reasons for rejection, which can serve as a guide for what to fix.
  • Reapplication is an Option: Once you’ve made the necessary changes, you can and should reapply. Many successful AdSense publishers faced rejection initially but succeeded upon reapplication.

In conclusion, Google AdSense approval is attainable if you approach it with the right preparation and mindset. Rejection is not a failure but a stepping stone towards approval, provided you take the time to understand and rectify the issues pointed out. With meticulous preparation, adherence to guidelines, and a willingness to learn and improve, securing Google AdSense approval is not just a possibility but a highly achievable goal.

Ashok Sihmar

Ashok Kumar working in the Search Engine Optimization field since 2015. And worked on many successful projects since then. He shares the real-life experience of best SEO practices with his followers on You also can learn Advance level SEO for WordPress, Blogger, or any other blogging platform. Stay tuned.


  1. Sir, I have a blog , I have checked my blog but there is no issues with my content, I have written my whole content by myself but I am not getting google adsense approval. Could you help me in this.

  2. Thanks for your help, and visit my Blogspot

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  4. Hlo bro I have a website from last 5 months adsense did not approved my web plz help me approved my website can i give you admin panel access to approved my website from adsense plz bhi chota bhi samaj kr meri web approved karwa do ma both gareeb ho plz help ma ny ap ke videos dekhy the ap ny both struggle ke ha ap both menthai ho bro plz help koi b mujy rply nai karta bro plz approval dilwa do plz bhi jan yr.

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