
How to Share Blogger Posts to Social Media Automatically in 2022

Blogger has no inbuilt option to share all blog posts on social media. I’ll explain how you can share Blogger blog posts automatically to social media in 2022.

Why should you share blog posts on social media platforms?

In this world of digital era, everyone is on social media. You understand its potential and can’t ignore this platform to attract more users to your website. You can create your account or dedicated pages related to your business on Twitter, Facebook, etc. And share that page with groups similar to your business or audience that may like your product.


After creating a page and getting followers, it is essential to serve some content to them from time to time. And it is also vital that you share all the blog posts and banner links to social media. So the page followers don’t miss any updates from your website.

How to share Blogger blog posts to social media automatically?

There is no straightforward solution to sharing Blogger blog posts on Facebook. Initially, we can connect the blog feed with Twitter and connect to Facebook. But in 2019, Google shut down this feature too.

Now, we can take the help of a third-party application Zapier. This service is free for 100 monthly blog posts. You can use this feature on other blogging platforms as well.

You’ve to create an account on Zapier and log in to the account. You can also choose Facebook, Microsoft, or Google to create an account.

creating a zap using zapier
create a Zap

Now you can start creating zap, and this zap will help you connect your blog post and social media platform.

find fist app to zap in zapier

Enter the name of the Zap for future reference. And Now select the Trigger, after which our event should initiate. You have to search RSS by Zapier.

trigger event in zapier

This RSS by Zapier is an RSS feed also available with the Blogger blog. We’ll use it to share our blog content on social media platforms automatically.

  1. Select Trigger RSS by Zapier,
  2. Trigger Event: It will allow us to choose when our zap must take action,
  3. Click on continue with the above settings.

A new window will open where you can provide the RSS feed URL of the Blogger blog. The RSS feed is under /feeds/posts/default in the Blogger blog.

trigger new item to the feed

After clicking on continue, you’ll be on the trigger setup window. In this window, you’ve to provide the RSS feed URL of your blog. After providing an RSS feed, click on the continue button as shown above.

Find RSS Feed URL: If your blog URL is, the feed URL will be And in the case of Blogger custom domain name, the feed URL will be

Now you can connect as much as your social media account by clicking on the plus(+) symbol provided.

How to share Blogger Posts to Facebook automatically.

After setting up a trigger event for the Blogger blog post, you can select action on Trigger. Click on the plus(+) sign to set the action of the Trigger.

A Zapier action window will open where we can set action event. We’ve to share our post on the Facebook page; then, we’ll select the “Facebook Pages” option.

action of zap in zapier

After selecting Facebook Pages, you must choose the event for the Facebook Page. We want to publish our blog post on the Facebook page; then, we’ll create an action event page.

choose action, create event
  • Select Facebook Pages Option,
  • Action Event: Create Page Post to create a new post whenever we publish any content on our Blogger blog.
  • Click on Continue.

You have to select your Facebook account, and the particular page to publish the Blogger blog post content.

set up action

In the setup section, you’ve to provide content that you want to share on social media. These settings are crucial; select carefully.

  • Select a Targeted Facebook page.
  • The message of the post: It should be content
  • Link URL: It should be a link to the post fetched as a Link Alternative from the RSS feed.

You can press continue and test the trigger event. Now, whenever you publish new content, Zappier will share that on social media.

Share Blogger blog posts on Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

In a similar manner to the above, you can share your Blogger blog post on Twitter, LinkedIn, or other social media platforms listed on Zapier.

After creating a Zap Trigger event of the RSS feed, you’ve to select Twitter. In the above case, we selected Facebook, and now we’ll choose Twitter.

  1. Choose Application: Twitter,
  2. Action Event: Create a Tweet,
  3. Select your Tweet account.
final step to create zap action.

The critical part of Zapier setup, in this section, is that you’ve to provide all values correctly. The above values will automatically appear in the bar. You’ve to find the correct value and select it.

  • Message: In the message section, you’ve to provide Link Alternatives content and related hashtags,
  • Enable shortened URLs.
  • Continue with Zapier and test the module.

You’ve successfully created the Zap for Twitter and Facebook. Don’t forget to turn on these Zaps.

Final Words

This article discussed how to automatically share our Blogger blog post on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. As there is no direct option to share social media content, we used the Zapier tool.

I hope you like this article; in case of any doubt, or feedback, feel free to ask in the comment section provided below.

How to share Blogger blog posts automatically to Facebook?

Blogger blog posts can automatically be shared on Facebook and other social media using Zapier.

Where can I share my Blogger posts?

To attract more users to your blog, you can share your Blogger blog post on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, and others social media platforms.

Ashok Sihmar

Ashok Kumar working in the Search Engine Optimization field since 2015. And worked on many successful projects since then. He shares the real-life experience of best SEO practices with his followers on You also can learn Advance level SEO for WordPress, Blogger, or any other blogging platform. Stay tuned.


  1. Ashok thanks for this helpful article, it really helped me eased my work related to sharing posts from blogger automatically to social media.

    Keep it up.

  2. Mine is not working.
    Facebook has blocked my blog from sharing post to my Facebook page.
    Is there any Solution?

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