On Page SEO

Use of Header Tags H1-H6 to Structure the Content.

The Heading tag is used to express what the content will deliver. That means heading tags are crucial to gain traffic from the website. This article will discuss using this heading and subheading tags to make your content.

What are Header Tags?

Header tags are an essential part of HTML coding that helps in structuring the content on a webpage. These tags range from H1 to H6, forming a top-down hierarchy crucial for on-page SEO. The H1 tag is the most important and is the main heading under which sub-headings like H2, H3, and H4 can be used. 

Header tags serve two primary purposes in SEO: structuring the page for readability and relevance to keywords. These subheadings(H2, H3, H4) are outlined for your article, where the body content fills in the details. Using appropriate headers makes the content more engaging. Google gives higher priority to text within header tags when determining the relevance of a page to a user’s query. Therefore, using your target keywords in the H1 tag and related words in the H2 to H4 tags would be best practice.

Proper use of Heading Tags h1, h2, h3, h4 - SEO Friendly Article
Proper use of Heading Tags – SEO-Friendly Article

The H1 Header Tag for SEO.

The H1 tag is more than just a headline; it’s a gateway to understanding a webpage’s content for search engines and users. The heading tag HTML element serves multiple purposes. First, it helps search engines like Google understand what a page is about, which is crucial for search engine optimization. Second, it enhances the user experience by providing a quick snapshot of the page’s content. Thirdly, it enhances accessibility, particularly for individuals who depend on screen readers due to visual impairments.

The best practice is using a single, descriptive H1 tag per page, ideally aligning with the page’s title. This not only helps in search engine rankings but also ensures that the content is easily navigable and understandable. Therefore, a well-crafted H1 tag is not just a technical requirement but a multifaceted tool that can significantly improve a website’s performance and user engagement.

However, John Mueller says you can use multiple H1 if you strictly use HTML5 in the Page Layout structure.

Try to create quality content that not only reflects the heading but also covers the expected information. Crafting a clear and attractive title that accurately reflects the subject matter is essential when creating content. And the H1 heading to emphasize the main subject of the content.

What is an H2 Tag? And Importance for SEO.

An H2 tag is an HTML header tag used to structure content on a webpage. It is the second header level, following the H1 tag, and is typically used to break down the content into subsections. H2 tags are essential for readability and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Search engines like Google use H2 tags to understand the structure and content of a webpage. Properly optimized H2 tags can help improve a page’s SEO by:

  1. Keyword Placement: Including relevant keywords in your H2 tags can help search engines understand what the content is about, which can improve rankings.
  2. Content Structure: H2 tags help structure your content, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index the page.
  3. User Experience: Well-structured content is easier to read and navigate, which can improve user engagement metrics like time on page and bounce rate, indirectly affecting SEO.

H2 Length and SEO

There is no strict rule for the length of an H2 tag, but it would be great if you keep it concise and descriptive. Avoid overstuffing H2 tags with keywords, as search engines see it as spammy and could negatively impact SEO. A good rule of thumb is to keep it under 70 characters so that it’s easy for search engines and users to understand.

Here is an example:-

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Fruits: A Comprehensive Guide</title>

    <!-- H1 Tag: Main Title -->
    <h1>Fruits: A Comprehensive Guide</h1>

    <!-- H2 Tag: Main Section -->
    <p>Welcome to this comprehensive guide about fruits. In this article, we will explore different types of fruits, their benefits, and much more.</p>

    <!-- H2 Tag: Another Main Section -->
    <h2>Types of Fruits</h2>
    <p>Fruits can be categorized into various types based on their characteristics.</p>

    <!-- H3 Tag: Subsection under "Types of Fruits" -->
    <h3>Citrus Fruits</h3>
    <p>Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are known for their high vitamin C content.</p>

    <!-- H4 Tag: Further breakdown under "Citrus Fruits" -->
    <h4>Examples of Citrus Fruits</h4>

    <!-- H3 Tag: Another Subsection under "Types of Fruits" -->
    <p>Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants.</p>

    <!-- H4 Tag: Further breakdown under "Berries" -->
    <h4>Health Benefits of Berries</h4>
        <li>Rich in antioxidants</li>
        <li>High in fiber</li>
        <li>Low in calories</li>

    <!-- H2 Tag: Another Main Section -->
    <p>Fruits are a vital part of a balanced diet and offer a range of health benefits. Understanding the different types can help you make better dietary choices.</p>


What is an H2 Subheader?

An H2 subheader is essentially an H2 tag used as a subheading to break down a section of content. It serves as a “mini-title” for that particular section, providing context and making it easier for readers to scan the content. It’s also an opportunity to include relevant keywords to improve SEO.

Best Practices

  • Use H2 tags to structure your content logically.
  • Include relevant keywords, but avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Keep the length of the H2 tags concise and to the point.
  • Use H2 tags to improve the user experience by making navigation content easier.

H3 and H4 Tags in SEO

H3 and H4 tags are types of HTML header tags used to structure content on a webpage. They follow the H1 and H2 tags in the hierarchy of header tags. While H1 tags typically represent the main title of a page and H2 tags break down the main sections, H3 and H4 tags are used to subdivide those sections into more specific subsections.

H3 Tags and SEO

H3 tags are the third level of headers and are often used to break down the content within an H2 section. Their importance in SEO includes:

heading tags structure
Heading tags structure
  1. Content Organization: They help organize content, making it more readable and navigable for users.
  2. Keyword Placement: Including relevant keywords in H3 tags can help search engines understand the depth and specifics of the content, potentially improving rankings for those keywords.
  3. Crawling and Indexing: Structured content with H3 tags can be more efficiently crawled and indexed by search engines.

H4 Tags and SEO

H4 tags are the fourth level of headers. They are used less frequently than H1, H2, or H3 tags but can be valuable in further segmenting content, especially in longer articles or detailed guides. Their SEO significance includes:

  1. Detailed Content Breakdown: They provide an even more granular breakdown of content, which can be beneficial for very detailed or lengthy content.
  2. Supplementary Keyword Placement: While not as impactful as higher-level headers, H4 tags can still be a place to include secondary or long-tail keywords.

Relationship Between H2 and H3 Tags.

The relationship between H2 and H3 tags is hierarchical. An H2 tag typically represents a main section of the content, while H3 tags break down that section into specific subsections. For instance, in an article about fruits, an H2 tag might be “Types of Fruits,” while H3 tags could be “Citrus Fruits,” “Berries,” and “Tropical Fruits.”

  • Use H3 and H4 tags to structure and segment your content logically.
  • Ensure a clear hierarchy: H3 tags should fall under H2 sections, and H4 tags should fall under H3 sections.
  • Include relevant keywords in H3 and H4 tags, but avoid over-optimization or keyword stuffing.
  • Prioritize user readability and experience over trying to fit in too many subheaders.

While H1 and H2 tags often get the most attention in SEO discussions, H3 and H4 tags play a crucial role in content structure, user experience, and providing depth in keyword optimization. Properly utilizing these tags can enhance both the user experience and the SEO performance of a webpage.

H5 and H6 tags serve as the fifth and sixth levels of header tags in HTML, further subdividing content into more specific sections. While less common than higher-level headers, these tags find use in academic papers, technical documentation, or detailed articles that require multiple layers of subsections. Search engines generally give these tags less weight in SEO but still contribute to a well-structured and readable content layout.


Optimizing header tags is an integral aspect of an effective SEO strategy that goes far beyond merely making your content readable. We discussed the importance of the H1 tag for SEO and the H2 and H3 tags as sub-headers that help structure your content. And the oft-overlooked H4 tag has its place in SEO, especially for more complex, multi-layered articles. Along with heading tags, It would be great

In summary, header tags shouldn’t be an afterthought but a well-planned aspect of your content creation process. By paying attention to the types, length, and hierarchy of your headers, you’re not just improving readability—you’re enhancing the SEO performance of your website, potentially leading to better search rankings and more organic traffic. So the next time you draft a piece of content, remember your headers matter, and now you know precisely how to optimize them.

I hope you like this article; in case of any doubts, please let us know in the comment section below.

Ashok Sihmar

Ashok Kumar working in the Search Engine Optimization field since 2015. And worked on many successful projects since then. He shares the real-life experience of best SEO practices with his followers on seoneurons.com. You also can learn Advance level SEO for WordPress, Blogger, or any other blogging platform. Stay tuned.

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