
How to create a Blogger blog, Step by Step Guide in 2021

Blogger is a product of Google where you can create your blog for free. On this blog, you can share regular blog posts. If you’re new to blogging, then you can try the Blogger blog. This will provide you with an overview of blogging that how things work. In this article, we’ll discuss how to create a Blogger BlogSpot blog in 2021 for free.

What are a Blog and its use?

The blog is an online page or weblog to publish your thoughts, views, etc. When you publish content on the blog is called a blog post. It’s like a page of the dairy.

How to Create a Blogger Blog

On a blog, you can share informative values on the internet. You can share your knowledge with a large number of users. You can share social, political, international relations, economics, environment, marketing, and others.

How to Create a Blogger BlogSpot Blog?

To create a Blogger Blogspot blog, you’ve to visit and click on Create Your Blog. Then you’ve to log in with your Gmail account if not already logged in.

create a Blogger blog
Create a Blogger BlogSpot Blog

After a successful sign-in with your Google account, you can choose a URL for your domain name. This URL is unique for you, so you’ve to choose a unique name. The next tab is of title, where you’ve to provide your blog title. Try to keep the short title of your blog.

name of the blog

This title will appear, followed by the title of every blog post. So consider making it short. The next step is URL, where you can set a unique URL for your blog.

choose URL for your blog

Try to choose a custom URL that reflects the niche of your blog. Suppose your blog is related to food content, then you can select a URL like This will helps your blog’s SEO, and the blog may appear in the keyword query.

Your Blogger Blogspot blog is created and live for readers. After successful blog creation, you’ll receive an email on your Gmail account for blog notification. Confirm that email for blog updates.

Settings for Blogger Blog.

After creating the blog, the next step is settings. Blogger settings allow you to make your blog private or public. You can also boost Blogger SEO.

Visit the Blogger dashboard>settings.

Basic settings of Blogger

Basic Settings

  1. Title of Your Blogger blog, You can change it if needed.
  2. Description of your blog,
  3. The language of your blog is essential. Suppose you want to create blogs in Hindi, French, Spanish, then select the same language.
  4. Is your blog contain adult content. Turn this off, and if your blog content is for adults only, then turn this ON.
  5. You can enter Google Analytics Property ID to track to performance of your blog. Learn how to create Google Analytics Property.
  6. Set a favicon for your blog. This is small square image provides brand value to your website. It will help the users to navigate to your blog if multiple pages are open.

Publishing and Blog Post Settings

Privacy Settings Allows a blog to be available for the public or not. If you want the content to be open to the public, turn this feature ON.

  1. Visible to Search Engine: This will make your blog available with the Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, etc.
Publishing Settings for Blogger blog

Publishing Settings allows you to choose a subdomain of the Blogspot URL. You can also set up a professional custom domain name for the Blogger blog.

  1. Blog Address: Subdomain URL of your Blogger blog.
  2. Custom Domain: This allows you to choose a custom domain name for the Blogger blog.
  3. HTTPS: allows you to serve the content over the secure server using HTTPS, SSL certificate.
  4. Permission: In permission settings, you can invite authors to write on your Blogger blog.

Post Settings allows you to choose settings for all the blog posts published on the blog. It contains, comment section, image lightbox, etc.

  1. You can set that how many posts should be visible on the homepage of the blog,
  2. Template of your blog post,
  3. Lightbox: will display a showcase overlay over the image,
  4. Idea Panel: Give you an idea of content after analyzing some of your blog posts.
  5. Comment Settings: Leave these settings as it is.
SEO settings for Blogger blog
  1. Email settings. This will allows you to add email receivers to your blog. All the active and pending emails will be displayed in this section.
  2. Formatting: This allows you to select the time zone, date header format, and Timestamp Format. You can choose a time zone as per the user base of your blog.

SEO Settings of the Blogger

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) settings of the Blogger blog. These settings are essential for a blog to appear in the search engine’s search results.

  1. Meta Description: Enable meta description of your blog. This will enable a search option with every blog post to set the description of every blog post.
  2. If you deleted any page, redirect that page URL to another URL.
  3. Enable custom robots.txt: You can leave these settings as it is. If you’re an advanced user, then you can set advanced custom robots.txt for the Blogger blog.
  4. Enable custom robots header tags: By default, there is no problem with these settings. But if you really want to enhance these settings, follow this guide custom robots header tags for the Blogger blog.
  5. Connect the Blogger blog with Google Search Console.
  6. Enable custom ads.txt: You can enable this option if advertised ask you for ads.txt root access.

These were basic publishing and SEO settings for the Blogger blog. Now we move to the next step of Blogger design.

Change Theme of Blogger, Enhance UI & UX.

The initial design of Blogger is basic that doesn’t provide a professional look to your blog. We advise you to change the Blogger theme by keeping the following things in your mind. (We’ll also recommend a theme that follows all the features described below later in this section.)

  • The Blogger theme should have a Good PageSpeed Insight Score, as the core web vitals update soon affects all search results.
  • SEO Friendliness of the theme: The Blogger theme should contain Schema Markup tags, HTML5 semantics tags.
  • Responsive and Adsense Friendly: Choose a responsive template. That is also Adsense friendly.

We recommend TezzBlog Blogger Theme for your blog. TezzBlog is a Blogger theme, not a template, as it contains all the theme features.

How to Write a Blog Post?

You can write a blog post in the Blogger from the dashboard section. You’ve to scroll to the dashboard>Posts.

Create a Blogger blog post

Create a New Post:

  1. Visit Blogger dashboard and Click on Posts option as displayed above,
  2. Now click on the +New Post option to create a new Blog Post.

Write a Blog Post

You can write a blog post in HTML and Compose mode. Where in HTML mode, you can create the blog post using HTML codes. This is my favorite option for creating new blog posts.

  1. Enter the title of your blog post.
  2. Pencil Symbol: Click on this symbol to switch between composed and HTML mode.
  3. Undo and Redo: These options will works as the name suggests.
  4. Font Settings: This allows you to choose a heading, subheading, font size, font family, etc.
  5. Font style: These settings allow you to add styles to the fonts used in the content,
  6. Attachment: Attach the media like images, YouTube videos, videos to the blog post.

Post Settings and publishing:

  • Add Label: Add a label to your blog post. Suppose you’re writing content about sports, politics, the environment, etc. You can label every content according to the niche of the content. This will help you, as well as your visitors, to find the related content easily.
  • Publishing on: Date of publishing of the content,
  • Links or Permalink: set a permalink to your post. Permalink should always be in small letters(SEO purpose).
  • Location: Add location if you like to, otherwise leave.
  • Search Description: Enter the description of the content in 150 letters. This will be visible along with the search result of the blog.
  • Options: This option will appear if you enable the custom robots header tags.

Don’t expect your blog content to be available with the search engine from the next day of blog creation. It will take time. You’ve to write content regularly for success in blogging. Learn how to write SEO-friendly content for the Blogger blog.

In the same way, you can create Pages of the Blogger blog.

After writing Good content, you can also apply for Adsense to earn revenue. But before applying, learn how to get approved for Adsense for sure.

I hope you liked our content. In case of any doubt, query, or feedback, feel free to ask in the comment section provided below. Thank you!

Ashok Sihmar

Ashok Kumar working in the Search Engine Optimization field since 2015. And worked on many successful projects since then. He shares the real-life experience of best SEO practices with his followers on You also can learn Advance level SEO for WordPress, Blogger, or any other blogging platform. Stay tuned.


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  2. Hi Mr. Ahok
    I download Tezzblog template & have some questions please.
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    thank you so much for your information

    1. Big fonts and pic are nowadays’ are user-friendly. It attracts users to read the content.
      In the header section if we use Ads, that may lead to CLS issue, After core vital web updates, Google punishes such websites by decreasing their rank in search results.
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