
Best Domain Name Registrars in 2021, pros and cons of top DNP

On the internet, every website is hosted on a specific IP address like Google-hosted on But, these numbers can’t be recalled when needed. To solve this issue, the domain name came into the place. In this article, we’re talking about the Best Domain Name providers(DNP) in 2021 that are trustworthy, good price, and provide features.

In case if you don’t know which domain name will be best for you or what to avoid while choosing a domain, read our article on “How to choose the best domain name.”

Best Domain Name Providers in 2021

  1. Namecheap
  2. Domain.com
  3. Bigrock
  4. Bluehost
  5. Godaddy
  6. Google Domains

Domain Name providers register a domain name with ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). That means this body regulates or controls the domain names to avoid the conflict of distributing the same domain name to different persons simultaneously.

Best Domain Name Registrars
Best Domain Name Providers

So here, we can understand that every domain name is registered to the ICANN. But we can’t register our domain directly with them. We need a domain name provider to register our domain name.


Namecheap is one the best domain name providers according to the features, price value. Let’s talk about its features. This is fully ICANN-accredited and becomes one of the industry’s most trusted names with nearly 10M registered domains.

  • It provides free privacy protection to the domain name,
  • Email Forward facility included,
  • You can provide custom TTL values for the domain.

Almost all the domain name providers take extra charge for privacy protection. This privacy protection doesn’t expose the information of the domain name holder. So that means,

The forward email facility will include the domain name to set up custom professional email addresses with the help of this forward email feature. This professional email address can be implemented with Gmail to send and receive emails.

Buy a domain name – Cheap domain names- Namecheap.


Started in 2000, Domain.com is one of the famous domain name service providers. You can choose from many top-level generic domains (gTLDs) and new top-level domains (TLDs). The user interface of domain.com is quite good to handle a domain name.

The DNP’s services are email forwarding, email account, private registration, WHOis privacy protection, free whois, bulk registration, easy transfers, and easy DNS management.

Domain.com also provides web-hosting services, but these are not recommended for hosting. Choose the Best Hosting providers for WordPress websites or blogs. But the Domain.com doesn’t provide privacy protection to the domain name.

Website Domains Names & Hosting | Domain.com

Bluehost and Bigrock

The interface of the Bluehost and Bigrock is the same. They are using the same software for the user interface. And also provide the same features to a domain name.

  • Two professional email addresses with 50MB storage.
  • Domain Name at a Very Good Price,
  • Easy user-interface,
  • DNS management,
  • auto-fetch previous DNS values,

Along with this, Bluehost also provides hosting for the WordPress website. You can choose Bluehost WordPress hosting. You can also choose from Top WordPress hosting providers.

Bluehost Hosting and Domains, Bigrock Hosting and Domains.


Godaddy is one of the oldest and popular domain name providers. It is best for beginners and old users, as it provides a low price domain name for the first year.

The user interface of Godaddy is also excellent. You can easily manage the domain name at Godaddy. If you don’t like the services of Godaddy, there is an option to opt-out from Godaddy and transfer the domain to another DNPs.

Here are some limitations with Godaddy, as it doesn’t provide email forward service, privacy protection. That means you’ve to pay for privacy protection and professional email service.

Domain Names, Websites, Hosting & Online Marketing Tools – GoDaddy IN.

Google Domains

Google is the brand on which one can trust. It also provides domain names with lots of features like free ICANN privacy, email forward service. The Domain Name Registrar is not promoted as much because it doesn’t provide refer money. All the names we’re suggesting here are free from referral marketing. We want to add value by providing real information.

  • There is no need to verify the domain at Google services like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Adwords, etc.
  • Free protection to the user database/ user data privacy.
  • 100 email forwarding that helps you to set up a professional email address for free.
  • No hidden charges, it usually priced at US $12 + tax, or ₹860 + tax,
  • Easy to manage user interface.

Buy Domain from Google Domain.

Google domain is one of the best domain name registers, but we placed it in 6th position because it registers domains for business in some regions like India.

I hope this article will help in choosing the best domain name registrar for your upcoming domain name. If you’ve any questions or queries regarding this, feel free to ask in the comment section provided below.

Ashok Sihmar

Ashok Kumar working in the Search Engine Optimization field since 2015. And worked on many successful projects since then. He shares the real-life experience of best SEO practices with his followers on seoneurons.com. You also can learn Advance level SEO for WordPress, Blogger, or any other blogging platform. Stay tuned.

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