
How to choose a perfect Domain Name (Tips for 2024)

Do you want to start a website and buy a domain name for it? Domain name is crucial for a Business or any Blog. It’s not just a web address; it’s the digital identity of your brand or business. In this tutorial, we will help you understand things to keep in mind while choosing a perfect domain name.

Domain Name identifies a website, so it should be similar to the brand name(if any). If you are running or will run a website or business, then the domain name will be an essential part of that.

How to Choose a Perfect Domain Name?

In today’s world, almost every business is online. And those who are not, may left behind. Then, in such a case, you should register your domain name ASAP. Now, the situation is that .com TLD is almost full.

How to Choose a Perfect Domain Name for Website or Blog
How to Choose a Perfect Domain Name for a Website or Blog

Should we add the niche name or keyword in the domain name? First, let’s discuss the main features of the Domain Name.

  • First Impression: When a user visits the website, S/he first encounters the domain name. And that domain name, if accessible, will be easy to remember. But here, your quality content will also play a role; someone will remember the domain name only if the content or service is good.
  • Identification: Domain Name provides a brand identification to a website.
  • SEO: Try to add the keywords in the domain name. It is not compulsory that you add a keyword, but it will help the SEO of the website (since it is not mandatory to add a keyword).
  • Engagement: An easy-to-remember domain name hangs more users than a tough one. More users mean more success.

Extension for the Domain Name, .com, .net, .org or ccTLD

The top-level domain (TLD) is a crucial part of the domain name. The .com domains are easy to remember, making the website a global reach for search results. If the .com extension is unavailable, try .net, .org, etc.

  • A website targeting the world should be a top TLD like .com, .net, .tech, or .org, etc.
  • Find a ccTLD domain name for a local business that targets a specific area. ccTLD means country code Top Level Domain e.g., .in for India, .uk for United Kingdom, .us for USA, .ca for Canada, etc. You can also go with global extensions like .com, .net, etc.
  • But for an international business website. You should choose from top TLDs.

Branded Domain Name

Choose a domain name that reflects your business and vice versa. If you can’t find such a domain name in the top TLD like .com, you can go with other TLDs like .org, .net, .io, or ccTLD(if it targets a specific country).

Your brand name should be unique; don’t try to make a copy of another brand. If you make your brand name similar to another brand, then you may face legal issues. So, choose a domain name as per your brand.

Short is better

A shorter domain name is always better than a long one because.

  • A short domain name is easy to remember,
  • Easy to share over voice, like on YouTube channels etc.
  • Easy to type,
  • Fewer typo errors

Easy to Remember

Easy to remember domain name will engage more users than others. Hence try to find a domain name that is easy to remember. The domain should be short, as discussed above. If you can’t find such a domain, try to find a domain name with two short words.

Easy to Type and Pronounce

Suppose you bought a domain name, but you don’t know how to pronounce it. In such a case, it will create confusion whenever the website is shared over voice.

Such domain names are also tough to remember for a longer period, so try to find a domain name that is easy to spell and pronounce.


Try to add keywords that reflect your website’s type that make it clear all about the website. For example, if you’re creating a website for pizza, you can try adding the keyword pizza in the domain name. It may be like pizzacorner.com/.net/.org/.in/.pk/.uk, pizza point, etc.

The keyword enhances the SEO of a website as well as clears the website niche to users. This will help a user to remember your website. However, it is not compulsory, but you may consider it.

Don’t use hyphens and numbers in the Domain Name.

Hyphen and numbers are hard to type in between the domain name. So try to avoid them.

If your store contains the numbers, only in such a situation use numbers in the domain name like store99 should go with store99.com. But If you’re like to start a new business or website, Don’t use the hyphen and numbers.

And also, don’t use misspell words, as these may look suspicious to the user, like a fake website of any original.

Use Domain Name Generator Tools.

You can use domain name generator tools like Instant Domain Search. In addition, many tools in the market help you search for a perfect domain name for your website.

Don’t Do while choosing a Domain Name:

  • Brand names and trademarks of other companies. Don’t use such domain names that reflect other’s companies, as the company may take legal action against you.
  • Numbers or dashes in the Domain name. These characters are hard to remember and type. For example, you can remember our website SEO Neurons and type it as seoneurons, but what if seo-neurons? This would be hard to remember for a longer period of time.
  • Misspellings. These words make a website suspicious, and the user can leave the website without reading the content.

After finding a perfect domain name, register it with a top domain name registrar that provides good services and a better user experience.

If you’re planning for a WordPress website, choose the best hosting for WordPress at low prices.

I hope you liked our article. In case of any doubt or query, feel free to ask in the comment section provided below.

Ashok Sihmar

Ashok Kumar working in the Search Engine Optimization field since 2015. And worked on many successful projects since then. He shares the real-life experience of best SEO practices with his followers on seoneurons.com. You also can learn Advance level SEO for WordPress, Blogger, or any other blogging platform. Stay tuned.

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