Organic traffic spreads a new life to the blog or website, and if you can convert the traffic to customers/users, it will boost your business. SEO copywriting can do this for you. This article will discuss how to do SEO copywriting to get organic traffic to your website.
SEO copywriting is more or less similar to general copywriting. You’ve to understand the mindset of the user and interpreter the content according to their need. Usually, it is interesting to study human behavior and implement things accordingly.
And along with this, you’ve to keep a few extra things in mind while writing the content for a blog or website, like how search engines understand the text and how you can deliver information to users and search engines as well.
Here I want to explain a psychological theory. In psychology, you can study human behavior and predict his future actions. In the same way, we can predict user behavior using various information provided by the user. Don’t think you don’t have the user’s information, but you’ve. I’ll explain it to you in the keyword research part of this content.
Your writing should be easy, informative, and keep engaging users to read the content of your website. If the website satisfies users for their queries, it will build trust with the users.
What is SEO Copywriting?
Content that ranks high in the search result drives high volume organic traffic and influences users to take the desired action. This could happen when you understand SEO and website visitors’ behavior. SEO Copywriting has the following two aspects.
A good copy should fulfill these two aspects.
- It should be SEO-friendly and drive organic traffic to the blog.
- The content must have the potential to convert your readers to take action.
The content that satisfies the above conditions will not only drive quality traffic for your website but also generate leads for your business. To influence your readers to take action, you have to understand the reader’s needs and describe to them “how your product or service can help”.
There is no use for a blog that drives substantial organic traffic but does not have the potential to convert it to the customer.
How to do SEO Copywriting?
Before proceeding to the content, you’ve to check the On-Page SEO and user experience. Here we’re talking about the technical SEO of the website. An excellent technical SEO website is easily understandable for search engines.
In the user experience, you’ve to focus on visibility, the structure of the landing page, and also on the website flow. The website should be easy to understand.
The first part of SEO copywriting is Keyword Research. This is a crucial step, and you must choose a keyword according to the action you need.
Keyword Research
Keyword research is essential to creating SEO-friendly content. Choose keywords according to the authority of your website. Suppose your website is brand new, and you’re targeting high difficultly-level keywords, then the keyword will never rank as google has ample content with the quality. For a new blog, you should focus on long-tail keywords.
High-difficulty keywords are those keywords on which popular blogs and websites want to rank, for example, SEO, YouTube Videos, Best Computer, etc.
Plan a List of Keywords
Every business has certain products to sell or wants to collect information from interested users. So, you’ve to create a list of keywords according to the Business website. The keywords list will help you target and drive traffic to the website.
You’ve to analyze how users are making queries for your business-related products. You’ve to cover all FAQs related to products or services. You can use ahrefs or any other SEO tool to find keyword difficulty and search volume.
Keyword Intent
Keyword intent is actually the user intent that helps us understand what a user wants. To create the best copy of the content for your website, you’ve to understand the user behavior. Suppose he is looking for the best SEO service provider, then he may need SEO services. We divide user intent into four parts: –
- Informational intent:- The users make queries like “how to, what is, when, etc.” type content.
- Navigational intent: includes site name with queries like “Blogger SEO seoneurons, IAS Books Amazon, etc.
- Commercial intent: The user wants to buy something and do research for choosing the right products for their need and similar things.
- Transactional intent: After completing the research and finally searching for a particular product, like, for example, buy Shankar IAS Environment Book, Dell 15Q XX Laptop.
Every keyword carries user intent, mostly long-tail keywords. And these keywords will help you in SEO copywriting. Keyword intent helps us in understanding the users’ behavior.
You may think about how to find these keywords? Many free and premium tools are available for keyword research like Ubersuggest, ahrefs, GSC, Bing, etc. There are other free keyword tools as well.
Understand User Behaviour.
As we already discussed, keyword intent helps you analyze the user’s intention, whether he wants to get information, research to buy, or buy the content.
In the first two cases, you may help the user with a blog post, but no blog post will rank when the user is searching for the final product. Only pages with products will rank for these keywords.
Create a Quality Content.
Quality content takes time but is worth it. In the first stage, you don’t have to worry about the language or how to start, or what the words should be. You just keep writing; or write on a paper or blog, do that.
It will end up with a skeleton for your content. Revise the content, fill the gap, and interlink the content with already available content.
Structure the content
In the first instance, start writing the content in layman’s language. Keep your language simple so everybody can understand. Divide content into heading and subheadings to keep users engaged.
Your content should be inverted pyramid type. Provide critical information in the header part of the content and relative things in the later part.
Introduction in the copy
The first paragraph of your blog explains what you’ll discuss in the content. Hence, it becomes critical to explain what you’ll be discussing and how you’ll help users and satisfy them. If you’re not able to clear the topic of the content, most likely that the user will leave the website.
Yoast and other SEO tools recommend keywords in the first paragraph. They want to explain that clear your subject line at the top of the content so a low bounce rate will be there.
Optimize the Title of the content
After completing the content, you’ve to set a natural title for your blog post. For example, your final aim is to sell a product and describe the benefit of such products. Try to explain to users how the product enhances their quality of life. Don’t try to sell; try to smooth their life.
The Title should be attractive, and the maximum length should be 55-60 characters or 580px. If you cross this length, the complete Title will not be visible in the results and may miss the critical point.
Enhance Readability of the Content
Your content should be readable. Analyze how much your readers can read without getting bored. You’ve to make your content enjoyable.
The following tips may help you in creating user-friendly content.
- Plan your topic and divide it into headings and subheadings.
- Do not use long paragraphs.
- Use flow charts to convey information,
- Proper user of block editors.
- Interlink the content
- Write in easy language, so that maximum users can read the content.
All these steps will help you create excellent content for your website that will be user-friendly and Search Engine Optimized.
In this article, we understood how to create SEO-friendly content. But we can also understand SEO content after understanding the final aim of Google. Search Engines like Google aim to provide a good user experience by delivering the desired information/product/service.
this is imprtant thanks
I use SEO text editor Article Insights to optimize my text before I publish online
Thanks for the share. Will apply them and share the outcome results.
Hi nice blog
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