
Rank Math SEO Plugin Review. Pros and Cons.

Rank Math is an SEO plugin for WordPress websites. Many bloggers are recommending this plugin for the WordPress website. But is this plugin so important? How is this plugin better or not than other SEO plugins? This article will discuss the plugin’s features and review all these features with respect to other plugins available.

What is Rank Math SEO Plugin?

WordPress SEO can be enhanced drastically if you use the correct plugins and write unique content. This article may help you choose the right plugin for your WordPress blog.

Rank Math SEO Plugin Review
Rank Math SEO Plugin Review

An SEO plugin adds some code to the file and serves an SEO-friendly structure to the page. One should use HTML5-friendly themes to boost up their page SEO with plugins. Rank Math SEO plugin adds meta tags, index, noindex robots text to pages and schema markup tags that drastically improve page scores.

That means the SEO plugin is very important for WordPress websites. There may be some cases where you don’t need SEO plugins; for example, if you’re using an SEO-friendly theme, then you don’t need an SEO plugin to add meta tags or schema markup to the webpage.

1. Pros of Rank Math SEO Plugin

One can install the rank math plugin from the WordPress plugin library; after that, you’ve to set it up. Its setup is critical, and if you were earlier using another plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO on WordPress. Then Rank Math allows you to fetch SEO data from your website database. It will bring all previous keywords and data to the pages.

The plugin allows you to configure websites as per your need like Personal or Business, how to index pages, etc.

1.1 User-Friendly Interface

The user interface plays a vital role in any plugin we use. Rank Math provides you with an attractive interface that will help improve the search engine results for your webpage.

Rank Math SEO Interface Page
Rank Math SEO Interface Page

The above image displays the features that should be enabled or not for the Rank Math SEO plugin. Like schema tag, local business, etc.

This is the main reason for the popularity of the Rank Math SEO plugin. The plugin allows you to access all its features from its dashboard.

1.2 Target 5 Keywords in Rank Math

Users can target up to 5 keywords in Rank Math to help users keep an eye on how keywords are implemented. You can check keyword density to avoid over-optimization of the content.

Its percentage score will be beneficial for measuring the quality of the article you’re writing. Psychologically this also impacts the human mind to increase the score, unlike changing the dot to orange or green.

But there is a major problem with the Rank Math plugin, you can’t target long-tail keywords appropriately. This is the only reason we don’t use Rank Math SEO plugin on our website.

1.3 You can redirect pages URL for free.

You can redirect the deleted pages to the new URL or any other page you like using the Rank Math SEO Plugin. Many other SEO plugins do not allow you to redirect URLs on their free version, you have to buy a premium license. So here, Rank Math leads over the others.

1.4 Monitor Error 404 Page Traffic

This is also a free feature available with the Rank Math SEO plugin. With the plugin, you can monitor all “not found” or “error 404” pages. This will help you understand the portion of your website that was ranking and unavailable. So you can create a new article on that particular one or redirect those pages to the new URL available.

1.5 Image SEO enhancement

You can make all images used in the blog or website search engine friendly by adding alt text. This will boost the search results of images and improve CTR in search results. You can add the title or website name as the image’s alt text. This will be very helpful in improving image SEO.

2. Cons of Rank Math SEO Plugin.

The Rank Math SEO plugin provides many premium features in the free version. But there are some limitations with this plugin.

2.1 Targeting Long Tail Keywords.

You can face issues while targeting long-tail keywords in the Rank Math SEO plugin. If you target a long-tail keyword, all the keywords must appear in the same manner you use in the target keyword section.

For example, suppose you target the keyword “Car loan from the bank,” and you use this code like “the bank will approve your car loan”. In this case, Rank Math can’t detect that you used the keyword.

While in the Yoast SEO plugin, you can target only one keyword (also long-tail) perfectly.

Final Words for Rank Math SEO Plugin.

This is new and one of the trending plugins, not only with its user interface but also for its interface for search engines. You can use this plugin to enhance your website drastically. But for long-tail keywords, this plugin is not up to the mark. This plugin offers you all the above-described features for free, whereas other plugins ask for a premium account.

Ashok Sihmar

Ashok Kumar working in the Search Engine Optimization field since 2015. And worked on many successful projects since then. He shares the real-life experience of best SEO practices with his followers on seoneurons.com. You also can learn Advance level SEO for WordPress, Blogger, or any other blogging platform. Stay tuned.

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