What is Blogger, and How to Use it?

Blogger launched in 1999 as a blog publishing tool, and Google purchased Pyra Labs in 2003. Now It is a product of Google where you can publish your blogs for free.


This is an excellent tool for beginners who want to share their ideas, experience, and other information on the internet. Some users use Blogger to provide their product or service-related information. For example, Book authors can connect with their readers using Blogger and update them regarding their upcoming books.

Essential Features of Blogger blog.

Blogger is a free blogging platform where you can create and publish blogs. You don’t need to pay hosting charges or domain registration.

  • You do not need resources to run a blog.
  • 2 minutes setup for the blog.
  • Content Management.
  • Custom Robots Tags
  • Custom Header Tags
  • High-Speed Server
  • Most Secure Platform
  • Custom Domain Name Setup
  • Mobile Friendly Interface
  • Custom Themes
  • SEO Management
  • Content Publish
  • Custom robots.txt
  • Fast and Custom Image server.
  • No bandwidth Limit
  • Always Online
  • Multilingual Support
  • Monetization

Let’s discuss these points in detail.

  • Create a Blog in minutes: You can start blogging in no time with Blogger. Just create a Blogger blog and start blogging.
  • Unlimited Bandwidth: In a Blogger blog, you should not worry about how much traffic is coming to the blog. Google provides unlimited bandwidth for the platform.
  • Customizable Templates: Blogger offers various templates to choose from, which can be easily customized to match the look and feel of your blog.
  • Easy Posting and Formatting: The Blogger platform makes it easy to create and publish new posts, and includes a simple WYSIWYG editor for formatting text, adding images, and including other media in your posts.
  • Comments: It allows visitors to leave comments on your posts and also allows you to moderate and manage comments.
  • Analytics: It also provides built-in analytics to help you track your blog’s traffic and performance.
  • Mobile-Friendly: You can create mobile-friendly blogs with Blogger, which means they can be easily viewed on mobile devices.
  • Built-in SEO: includes built-in SEO features, such as adding keywords and meta tags to your posts and creating custom URLs. And also, you can implement technical SEO features like Yoast in the Blogger blog.
  • Multilingual Support: Blogger supports multiple languages, making creating a blog in any language easy.
  • Monetization: Blogger allows you to place ads and affiliate links on your blog to monetize it.
  • Social Media Integration: Blogger allows you to easily share your posts on social media platforms and lets you add social media widgets to your blog.
  • Custom Domain: Allows you to use a custom domain name for Blogger blog instead of the default blogger.com domain.

Blogger is a product of Google and runs on the most secure servers. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the security of the CMS. And also, The blog can handle massive traffic at a time as there is no bandwidth limitation.

Limitation in Blogger.

In Blogger, there are a few limitations.

  • Images – Images server is fast; the Blogger server can serve all size images with a single upload. But you will have 15 GB maximum storage for your Google Account.
  • URL Parameter – You can not customize the URL structure of the blog.
  • Limited Design Customization: The CMS has a limited number of templates to choose from, and the customization options for each template can be limited. This can make it difficult to create a unique and professional-looking blog.
  • Limited Features: It has fewer features than other blogging platforms, such as WordPress. This can make adding certain types of functionality to your blog more difficult.
  • Controlled Monetization: You will have limited options for monetizing your blog, such as limited ad placement options and no support for e-commerce.
  • Limited SEO: It has limited options for optimizing the blog for search engines.
  • Limited Analytics: Blogger has basic analytics features but does not offer the same level of detail and analysis as some other platforms. But if you have knowledge of XML, then there is no boundary for you.
  • No plugins Support: Blogger CMS doesn’t support the plugins feature.
  • No Custom Post Types: You can not create custom post types, limiting your blog’s functionality.
  • No Multi-User Support: Blogger doesn’t have the option to add multiple users, limiting collaboration options.
  • Limited Backup and restore: It has limited options for backing up and restoring your blog.
  • Google Controls the Blog: Google has complete control over the Blogger blog. And it can delete/remove your blog without prior notice. If a site violates any terms of service, Google may suspend the blog without prior notice. And if there are Repeated violations, you may lose the Google account.

So these are the features and drawbacks of the Blogger blog.


While Blogger is an excellent platform for basic and simple blogs, it may not be the best choice for more advanced blogs that require more features, functionality, and customization options. Blogger is an excellent platform for beginners who want to learn about blogging and how to create and manage a blog. It’s a great way to learn the basics of blogging, but for more advanced blogs, it might be worth considering other platforms, such as WordPress

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